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Retain the best employees and increase your revenue with transparent motivation system

Do issues like labor shortage, high employee turnover and increasing wages sound familiar to you?

What if you could retain your best employees and make sure you pay your team based on how well they follow the protocol? This would allow you to get more milk, improve its quality and save on labor. 

Our software watches your security cameras and tracks protocol drift all day every day

It detects more than 27 positive and negative actions in a milking parlor such as: 
  • Missed predip

  • Missed postdip vs. Accurate and quick post-dip

  • Missed milk stripping vs. Thorough stripping for all 4 quarters

  • Unnecessary manual detach

  • No reattach

  • One towel for several cows

  • Misc and Aggressive Interaction

The product works with regular security cameras for parallel, herringbone and rotary parlors.

Create your own bonus system

Screenshot 2021-11-29 at 12.35.36 PM.png
Set up a bonus system so that milkers’ compensation depends on how well they perform their duties. Choose to track all actions or particular ones that are most relevant for your dairy.

Other dairymen have already applied the system

We are working with 55 dairy farms and observing over 60 milking parlors daily. On average our customers gained 2.5 lb of milk a day. 

Here are some testimonials:

"We have lower mastitis, lower somatic cell count. Our shift timing is much more consistent.

It's a good tool to improve your animal welfare."

E.J. de Jong, Hanford, CA

The owner of 2 dairies milking 8,000 cows

Leave your contact to get a demo of our system

Or just call/text us at 

(559) 380-2550 

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